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Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

[UPDATE] Point Blank Offline, Menggunakan Inventory

Hai Kawan Kawan,, Maaf sebelumnya, di postingan "Menggunakan Inventory, Mengubah Pangkat" terjadi kesalahan, hilangnya list daftar inventory karena kesalahan blogger..
Untuk itu saya akan mengupdatenya lagi. :-D

Menggunakan Inventory

Tutorialnya :

- Ketik cmd inv (Cupon ID) pada saat di room cupon id="100001030" name="110% EXP UP". Persis dengan ketika kita membuat map lain dengan "cmd map"

 cupon id="100001030" name="110% EXP UP"
 cupon id="100002030" name="130% EXP UP"
 cupon id="100003030" name="150% EXP UP"
 cupon id="100004030" name="130% points "
 cupon id="100005030" name="Nama Warna Clan"
 cupon id="100006030" name="Warna Nick"
 cupon id="100007030" name="Mengurangi Waktu Respawn 30%"
 cupon id="100008030" name="Amunisi Extra / Tambahan Katrid"
 cupon id="100009030" name="Menyembunyikan Rank"
 cupon id="100010030" name="Nickname Sementara"
 cupon id="100011030" name="Gratis Akses"
 cupon id="100012030" name="EXP Clan UP 150%"
 cupon id="100013030" name="Modifikasi Penglihatan"
 cupon id="100014030" name="Warna Sight"
 cupon id="100015030" name="Warna Chatting"
 cupon id="100017030" name="Inspector"
 cupon id="100018030" name="EXP x2(12:00-15:00"
 cupon id="100019030" name="EXP x2(15:00-18:00"
 cupon id="100019030" name="EXP x2(18:00-21:00"
 cupon id="100019030" name="EXP x2(21:00-00:00"
 cupon id="100018030" name="EXP x2(12:00-15:00"
 cupon id="100019030" name="POINT x2(15:00-18:00"
 cupon id="100019030" name="POINT x2(18:00-21:00"
 cupon id="100019030" name="POINT x2(21:00-00:00"
 cupon id="100026030" name="Quick Change Weapon"
 cupon id="100027030" name="Quick Reload"
 cupon id="100028030" name="Darah +10%"
 cupon id="100029030" name="Invisible +1 Sec"
 cupon id="100030030" name="+5% Armor"
 cupon id="100031030" name="Amunisi Kumulatif"
 cupon id="100032030" name="?racer Katrid"
 cupon id="100033030" name="Anti Flash BanG Mask"
 cupon id="100034030" name="C4 Speed Up"
 cupon id="100035030" name="Tambahan Amunisi"
 cupon id="100036030" name="Hollow Point Bullets"
 cupon id="100037030" name="EXP 200%"
 cupon id="100038030" name="Point 200%"
 cupon id="100040030" name="Darah 5%"

Untuk mendapatkan Cupon ID, caranya seperti ini :cari di folder server/pb_auth_data/items/cupons di folder cupons ada file bernama cupons.xml buka dengan notepad . Nah pilih deh cupon id item yang kalian perlu untuk digunakan Ini hasil translate isi pada file cupons.xml. Ketik nomornya saja Contoh : 100001030

Dan Udah Ane Test, Work beberapa Gan..
ini yang udah work..

cupon id="100027030" name="Quick Reload"
cupon id="100028030" name="Darah +10%"
cupon id="100029030" name="Invisible +1 Sec"
cupon id="100030030" name="+5% Armor"

Credit : Team PB Dev (FB)

Keep Visiting Assassin Guild

Transformers - Fall Of Cybertron CRACK For Win 8 (WORKED AND TESTED)

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron 

Transformers™: Fall of Cybertron™ transports you to the final days of the planet Cybertron where you will experience the darkest hours of the apocalyptic war between the AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS.

Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey through a wide range of missions and massive environments designed around each character’s unique abilities. With the stakes higher than ever before, you play as a variety of Transformers characters, including Grimlock’s nearly indestructible T-Rex form and the legendary Combaticons forming into the colossal Bruticus. Fight through both sides of the Transformers’ most epic battles leading to their legendary exodus from their homeworld. Transformers™: Fall of Cybertron™ allows you to go head-to-head as AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS with its multi-player online mode. Create your own personalized character and weaponry with the most advanced and in-depth customization ever before seen in a Transformers video game.

Title: Transformers™: Fall of Cybertron™
Genre: Action
Developer: Mercenary Technologies
Publisher: Activision
Release Date: 24 Aug 2012
Languages: English*, French, German, Italian, Spanish
*languages with full audio support

For Windows 8 Only

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